On September 20 and 21, PITS 2023 will take place in Berlin – Germany’s specialist congress for IT- and cybersecurity in government and administration. The BAYOOSOFT team will be there to present our specialized management solutions. With our IT-security software solutions, we support private as well as public institutions in the continuous digitization of processes.

The focus of this year’s PITS is the digital immune system, because this is just as vital for the German administration as the human one: Administrations and critical infrastructures are constantly exposed to new cyberattacks. How the digital immune system can remain healthy is the fundamental question of the two days in Berlin.

Will you also be there? Then come and visit us at booth 55.


We are at the expert round

Franziska Weiß, Head of Sales at BAYOOSOFT, will be part of expert round 2 on 20 September.

Together with other experts, she will talk about “IT security as a driver of digitization”.
